Booking a Measurement
To begin the booking process, you must request and pay for a measurement on the JMB website, which can be accessed here:
Once you have applied and paid for your measurement, please contact the practice to schedule your appointment at our purpose-built measuring pad, at a separate, secluded location away from the practice.
Please ensure you have selected the correct measurer (Natalia Mollon MRCVS) on the JMB website, otherwise we cannot perform your measurement.
You must bring the horse's passport to the measuring appointment, and the horse needs to be needs to be presented with no shoes and adequately trimmed feet.
Please be advised that a measurement will only take place if the horse can be relaxed and that you may face going away without a measurement if you cannot relax your horse. Ideally, the horse should be trained to place its front feet in line, and its hind feet no more than 15cm (6 inches) out of line with each other.

Upon Arrival at the Measuring Pad
Please present proof of payment to the JMB for your measurement appointment. Your measurer will subsequently check the JMB database to confirm your application before checking identity of the horse and its overall condition.
If the horse does not have a microchip inserted, then we can do this for you, for an additional fee made payable to the practice once the measurement has been made.
Our official measurer will ask you to complete the JMB's declaration form prior to starting the measuring process.