Euthanasia (also known as ‘putting an animal to sleep’) is sadly something that many horse owners will have to make a decision on at some point when owning or caring for a horse, pony or donkey.
When is the right time to say goodbye?
There are many reasons why a horse may have to be euthanised, including illness, an accident, change in owner’s circumstances or because old age or a pre-existing condition has led to their quality of life deteriorating.
In some situations, such as a severely broken leg, or a sudden illness, the decision as to when to put your beloved horse or pony to sleep may be taken out of your hands. However, for older horses or those with chronic illnesses or injuries, often the decision is a very difficult one to make. If you are concerned your horse is struggling, please do not hesitate to call us for a friendly chat, as it may be that we can suggest ways in that we can help improve your horse's quality of life; however, it may be kindest in some cases to say goodbye.
What are my options?
All of our vets put horses to sleep via injection. In most cases, the horse will be sedated to help keep them calm. Very few horses 'fight' the euthanasia injection. Initially, the euthanasia injection acts as a general anaesthetic, so that the horse will fall asleep and then pass away. The horse may twitch or snort during this, but they are unaware of what is happening. The vet will try to guide the horse down to the ground gently, however, sometimes this is not always possible, and the horse may fall suddenly. Please be assured that the horse will not feel any pain at this point as they will be asleep.
Can you help organise collection and cremation?
Yes, we will always offer our assistance in arranging for the horse to be collected and cremated. There are many different options available for keepsakes and caskets, and we are more than happy to discuss each option with you should you wish. If you have any queries with regards to the collection and cremation process or would like to discuss your wishes, we can put you in contact with our trusted fallen stock collectors. As horse owners themselves, they know how important it is that everything is right for your much loved friend and for your final goodbye.